unsativo Admin replied

337 weeks ago

The Joker's Millions Hindi Dubbed Free Download

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646f9e108c A destitute Joker unaccountably inherits a fortune from a hated rival, only to find out the hard way why.
Again, no one can write for Harley and Joker like Paul Dini. A hilarious episode with some great writing behind it. That's pretty much all I got for the episode, so I mightwell get to the character designs. First, there's Penguin, who's biggest change is that he looks more human than the last series. He looks more sophisticated and doesn't have flippers. They get bonus points for getting rid of those, I always thought his hands were weird in the last show. And then there's the man himself, Joker. Out of all the complaints I hear about this show, Joker's design gets the most hate. Not the stories, not the writing, but a character's design. So beings I'm apparently one of only five people who actually love this show, I mightwell say that I don't mind Joker's design. Is it different from the previous series? Yes. Is that a bad thing? No. The Joker to me has never been about his look, his sense of humor, or his voice, it's always been about how unpredictable he is. To me, the people that complain about Joker's look in this, are like the same people that thought Heath LedgerThe Joker was a stupid idea at first. Just judgemental fanboys acting like they know what's best for something they have no control over. You can complain about whatever you want, the story, the characters, etc., but if you tear a show apart because of how a character looks, you have way too much time on your hands. I might not like itmuchhis other look, but I understand that his design is in the hands of the creators, so at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what I think about it, does it?
'Joker's Millions' has one of my favorite lines: <br/><br/>"I may be crazy enoughto take on Batman, but the IRS? Noooo, thank you!" <br/><br/>I think that perfectly illustrates the tone of this episode. The Joker, fallen on hard times, suddenly inherits a windfall from a rival gangster and has attracted the attention of the Internal Revenue Service. And even though he'll get in a life-or-death battle with Batman, he wouldn't dare upset the bean-counters. Suddenly, he has a line that won't be crossed. Loads of credit goes to Mark Hamill in the role, but you've gotta love Paul Dini's flair for a good Joker story.<br/><br/>7/10

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last edited 259 weeks ago by unsativo
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