646f9e108c A destitute Joker unaccountably inherits a fortune from a hated rival, only to find out the hard way why. Again, no one can write for Harley and Joker like Paul Dini. A hilarious episode with some great writing behind it. That&#39;s pretty much all I got for the episode, so I mightwell get to the character designs. First, there&#39;s Penguin, who&#39;s biggest change is that he looks more human than the last series. He looks more sophisticated and doesn&#39;t have flippers. They get bonus points for getting rid of those, I always thought his hands were weird in the last show. And then there&#39;s the man himself, Joker. Out of all the complaints I hear about this show, Joker&#39;s design gets the most hate. Not the stories, not the writing, but a character&#39;s design. So beings I&#39;m apparently one of only five people who actually love this show, I mightwell say that I don&#39;t mind Joker&#39;s design. Is it different from the previous series? Yes. Is that a bad thing? No. The Joker to me has never been about his look, his sense of humor, or his voice, it&#39;s always been about how unpredictable he is. To me, the people that complain about Joker&#39;s look in this, are like the same people that thought Heath LedgerThe Joker was a stupid idea at first. Just judgemental fanboys acting like they know what&#39;s best for something they have no control over. You can complain about whatever you want, the story, the characters, etc., but if you tear a show apart because of how a character looks, you have way too much time on your hands. I might not like itmuchhis other look, but I understand that his design is in the hands of the creators, so at the end of the day, it doesn&#39;t really matter what I think about it, does it? &#39;Joker&#39;s Millions&#39; has one of my favorite lines: <br/><br/>&quot;I may be crazy enoughto take on Batman, but the IRS? Noooo, thank you!&quot; <br/><br/>I think that perfectly illustrates the tone of this episode. The Joker, fallen on hard times, suddenly inherits a windfall from a rival gangster and has attracted the attention of the Internal Revenue Service. And even though he&#39;ll get in a life-or-death battle with Batman, he wouldn&#39;t dare upset the bean-counters. Suddenly, he has a line that won&#39;t be crossed. Loads of credit goes to Mark Hamill in the role, but you&#39;ve gotta love Paul Dini&#39;s flair for a good Joker story.<br/><br/>7/10
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337 weeks ago